Learners’ Perception Regarding the Role of Native-like English Language Proficiency in a Pakistani Academic Setting

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Hadia Javed
Dr. Maimoona Abdulaziz
Fatima Faiz
Warisha Waseem
Naima Shaukat


Students learning any foreign language must develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills and become proficient in the use of that language. In Pakistan, English is a language that is highly used in educational institutions as well as professionally. This research has been carried out by quantitative method approach. This research carries two objectives. Firstly, to explore the Pakistani student’s perception regarding the role of native English proficiency in their Academic setting. Secondly, to statistically analyze the variation in perception regarding the role of native-like English language proficiency in an Academic setting. The data has been collected from a university from university students. The exact number of participants from which the questionnaire has been taken is 30 students from 3 different departments of the university. This research comes with the result that participants generally agreed that good handwriting, fast writing speed, and use of technical words in papers all have a positive impact on their marks in exams. However, they did not agree as strongly that the use of difficult vocabulary increases their marks in exams. This research is beneficial for the students that how they can get native-like English language proficiency. This research is also good for the teachers because this gives them an understanding of designing syllabi for the students.



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How to Cite
Javed, H., Abdulaziz, D. M., Faiz, F., Waseem, W., & Shaukat, N. (2023). Learners’ Perception Regarding the Role of Native-like English Language Proficiency in a Pakistani Academic Setting. Linguistic Forum - A Journal of Linguistics, 5(1), 22–28. https://doi.org/10.53057/linfo/2023.5.1.4
Author Biographies

Hadia Javed, BS English, Department of English, Riphah International University Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.

Hadia Javed is a BS Scholar from the Department of English Linguistics at Riphah International University in Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan. Her primary areas of interest include English language teaching, second language acquisition, and Applied Linguistics.


Dr. Maimoona Abdulaziz, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Riphah International University Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.

Dr. Maimoona AbdulAziz is an Assistant Professor in the Department of English Linguistics at Riphah International University, located in Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan. Her main areas of expertise and interest revolve around English language teaching, second language acquisition, corpus linguistics and Applied Linguistics.


Fatima Faiz, BS English, Department of English, Riphah International University Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.

Fatima Faiz is a BS Scholar from the Department of English Linguistics at Riphah International University in Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan. Her primary areas of interest include English language teaching, second language acquisition, and Applied Linguistics.


Warisha Waseem, BS English, Department of English, Riphah International University Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.

Warisha Waseem is a BS Scholar from the Department of English Linguistics at Riphah International University in Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan. Her primary areas of interest include English language teaching, second language acquisition, and Applied Linguistics.


Naima Shaukat, BS English Literature and Language, Department of English, Riphah International University Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.

Naima Shaukat is a BS Scholar from the Department of English Linguistics at Riphah International University in Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan. Her primary areas of interest include English language teaching, second language acquisition, and Applied Linguistics.




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