The Role of Diacritics in Reading Urdu. Can children read without “the dots”?

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Maria Isabel Maldonado Garcia
Muzzmal Haider


Diacritic marks are present in numerous languages, performing diverse roles as they influence both semantics and phonetics. While they might be disregarded in certain instances of writing, they play a pivotal role in distinguishing homographs, thereby presenting challenges for L2 learners, children learning to read, and individuals with disabilities. The present study delves into the impact of diacritics on children's reading of Urdu textbooks, employing an experimental research approach wherein two sample groups (experimental and control) underwent pre and post-tests. Furthermore, the Error Analysis Model proposed by Ellis (1994) was applied for error analysis. The findings demonstrate that reading texts with diacritics proves to be easier for children. The study aims to aid Urdu textbook writers in addressing reading difficulties faced by children due to the absence of diacritic marks.


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How to Cite
Maldonado Garcia, M. I., & Haider, M. (2023). The Role of Diacritics in Reading Urdu. Can children read without “the dots”?. Linguistic Forum - A Journal of Linguistics, 5(2), 22–31.
Author Biography

Muzzmal Haider, Lecturer, Department of English Language and Literature, University of Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.

Muzamal Haider is an accomplished educator and scholar in the realm of English Language and Literature. Currently serving as a Lecturer in the esteemed Department of English Language and Literature at the University of Lahore, located in the vibrant province of Punjab, Pakistan, Muzamal's academic journey has been marked by dedication, enthusiasm, and a commitment to fostering intellectual growth.


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