The Role of ICT in the Teaching of Productive Skills in English during COVID-19: Teachers’ Perceptions and Obstacles
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In the current millennium, educational technology integration has become an obligation, particularly when the focus of teaching is purely fluency-based. EFL teachers believe that students cannot reach a good level of fluency unless they speak and write English with less difficulty and more spontaneity. For that purpose, instructors incessantly seek versatile ways and approaches to deepen and enrich the teaching of four language skills (mainly the productive ones). Online sources and internet outlets provide both students and instructors with various ranges of software applications and platforms to actively dive into different class activities. Through the agency of online applications and programs, EFL learners get to gradually embrace autonomous learning. In effect, students reach self-improvement in speaking and writing when they are continuously exposed to ICT assistance. Therefore, this paper aspires to pinpoint the aspects of productive skills of teaching via the implementation of ICT as a new trend in modern education. Needless to say, it ignites a deeper discussion on Moroccan teachers’ attitudes toward the use of ICT in the EFL classroom. The quantitative analysis by means of a questionnaire designated to Moroccan EFL teachers revealed a considerable amount of positivity and predilection toward the employment of ICTs in the EFL instruction.
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