ICT-Based Instruction amid COVID-19: The Case Study of Faculty of Sciences and Technologies, Tangier (FSTT)

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Bachiri Housseine


This paper contextually endeavors to grant insights and perceptions on the teaching of English for Specific purposes (ESP) through ICT-based instruction amid COVID-19 at the Faculty of Sciences and Technologies in Tangier (FSTT). To avoid total curriculum disruption, the FSTT urgently declares online learning, which has palpably manifested a plethora of pitfalls primarily pertinent to logistics according to the study results. Drawing on previously published materials, the use of quantitative research analysis allows the researcher to empirically unravel different challenges and educational gaps among the research population. The findings of the survey indicate that more investment should be made at the level of research in order to enable ICT- based instruction to be more regulated, yet most importantly properly managed. By so doing, students’ motivation and interaction tremendously augment as they become more genuinely and actively engaged in the teaching/learning process.


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Housseine, B. . (2020). ICT-Based Instruction amid COVID-19: The Case Study of Faculty of Sciences and Technologies, Tangier (FSTT). Linguistic Forum - A Journal of Linguistics, 2(4), 27–32. https://doi.org/10.53057/linfo/2020.2.4.4


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