Critical Discourse Analysis of Power Struggle and Marxism Theory in Hwang Dong Hyuk’s Series Squid Game
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This paper attempts to explore the abuse of power and powerlessness in the discourse of Hwang Dong Hyuk’s series squid game according to Marxism. The main focus of the paper is how powerless people are targeted through communication and are tricked to believe that they can also be rich and be able to live easy lives if they do what they are told to. It is clear that in today’s society poor class has to follow every order of the elite class in order to survive. The powerlessness of the poor and abuse of power of the elite is clearly shown in this series. By CDA of the selective text it is clear that two classes are being discussed, poor class and elite class. Elite giving orders and poor following them. Abuse of power is clear where it is said by the rich person that he never forced them to play the game. You came back on your own accord. The elite living in luxury is manipulating the poor for his own entertainment. Marxism clearly fits in this situation. If they had power or money of their own, they would have never resorted to such methods. Fairclough 3D model 1992 can also be taken into perspective. As the murder was practiced by a single criminal in that game and some of them also got into doing so.
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